The Applied Photonics Group (APG) of the UPV/EHU is leading research in the field of polymeric optical fibres and sensors applied to the aeronautical, industrial and biomedical sectors. It has published above 150 publications in journals of high repute (including Science, Nature Photonics, etc.) and has attracted ~3.5 M€ in competitive research funding. It has also produced 6 patents and launched a spin-off company (AOTECH).
With respect to the network, the APG studies the generation and guidance of structured light and its applications in advanced sensing. The group is composed of 19 members, 9 of which will be directly involved in the network.

Main publications and results
1 – “Narrowband vacuum ultraviolet light via cooperative Raman scattering in dual-pumped gas-filled photonic crystal fiber”, R. Tyumenev, P. Russell and D. Novoa, ACS Photonics 7, 1989 (2020)
2 – “Robust excitation and Raman conversion of guided vortices in chiral gas-filled photonic crystal fiber”, Sona Davtyan, Yang Chen, Michael H. Frosz, Philip St.J. Russell, David Novoa, Opt. Lett. 45, 1766 (2020)
3 – “Polarization-tailored Raman frequency conversion in chiral gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fibers”, S. Davtyan, D. Novoa, Y. Chen, M. Frosz and P. Russell, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 143902 (2019)
4 – “Thresholdless deep and vacuum ultraviolet Raman frequency conversion in H2-filled photonic crystal fiber”, M. Mridha, D. Novoa, P. Hosseini and P. Russell, Optica 6, 731 (2019)
Contact info
Representative of the node in the network:
David Novoa (
Node webpage: