Attosecond and ultrafast x-ray optics (UAM)

The Attosecond and Ultrafast X-ray Optics (AUXO) group at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) is currently working in the research areas of Attosecond science and X-ray free-electron laser physics. Their main expertise resides in the theoretical modelling of ultrafast experiments to investigate the optical response of molecular systems and quantum materials. In this network, AUXO will provide theoretical support in order to investigate structured light applications in modern quantum materials, such as photovoltaic, valleytronics, and topological materials.

The group is composed by Antonio Picón, who is also the representative of the group on the FASLIGHT network, two postdoc researchers, two PhD student, one technician and one student. 

IR interaccionando con una capa fina (imagen cedida por Attosecond and Ultrafast X-ray Optics (AUXO))

Main publications and results

  1. Giovanni Cistaro, Mikhail Malakhov, Juan José Esteve, Alejandro José Uría-Álvarez, Rui E. F. Silva, Fernando Martín, Juan José Palacios, and Antonio Picón, “A theoretical approach for electron dynamics and ultrafast spectroscopy (EDUS)”, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 19, 333 (2023)
  2. Bárbara Buades, Antonio Picón, Emma Berger, Iker León, Nicola Di Palo, Seth L. Cousin, Caterina Cocchi, Eric Pellegrin, Javier Herrero Martin, Samuel Mañas-Valero, Eugenio Coronado, Thomas Danz, Claudia Draxl, Mitsuharu Uemoto, Kazuhiro Yabana, Martin Schultze, Simon Wall, Michael Zürch, and Jens Biegert, “Attosecond state-resolved carrier motion in quantum materials probed by soft x-ray XANES”, Applied Physics Reviews 8, 011408 (2021)     Scilight
  3. Giovanni Cistaro, Luis Plaja, Fernando Martín, and Antonio Picón, “Attosecond x-ray absorption spectroscopy in graphene”, Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013144 (2021)
  4. Alexis Chacón, Dasol Kim, Wei Zhu, Shane P. Kelly, Alexandre Dauphin, Emilio Pisanty, Andrew S. Maxwell, Antonio Picón, Marcelo F. Ciappina, Dong Eon Kim, Christopher Ticknor, Avadh Saxena, and Maciej Lewenstein, “Circular dichroism in higher-order harmonic generation: Heralding topological phases and transitions in Chern insulators”, Phys. Rev. B 102, 134115 (2020).
  5. Emilio Pisanty, Gerard Jiménez, Verónica Vicuña-Hernández, Antonio Picón, Alessio Celi, Juan P. Torres, and Maciej Lewenstein, “Knotting fractional-order knots with the polarization state of light”, Nature Photonics 13, 569 (2019).

Contact info

Representative of the node in the network: 

Antonio Picón (

Node webpage:

attoAttosecond and ultrafast x-ray optics (UAM)