Estimados amigos,
Os ruego deis difusión a las siguientes ofertas de puestos para hacer el doctorado, dentro de la red Marie Curie ITN ICONE. Los detalles se pueden encontrar en esta dirección.
Descripción de las 10 becas ofertadas dentro de la red:
ESR 1: Aston University (UK): “Advanced Raman amplification schemes and ultra-long fibre lasers for coherent optical communications” Reference number R140053.
ESR 2: Aston University (UK): “Harnessing of noise and polarisation in fibre Raman lasers and systems” Reference number R140058.
ESR 3: KTH (Sweden): “Integrated Si-photonics components for high-speed optical communication systems: waveguides, TWEA and nonlinear EO polymer modulators” Reference number R140060.
ESR 4: KTH (Sweden): “Optical sources for advanced modulation formats providing spectral-efficient and energy-efficient modulation” Reference number R140060.
ESR 5: DTU (Denmark): “Synthesis and real-time implementation of DSP algorithms for nonlinearity mitigation” Reference number R140060.
ESR 6: IO-CSIC (Spain): “Distributed amplification and optimal power management for impairment reduction in long-haul coherent optical transmission systems”. Reference Number R140060.
ESR 7: IO-CSIC (Spain): “Optimization of nonlinearly-assisted technologies for coherent optical communications” Reference number R140060.
ESR 8: UCL (UK): “Reduced complexity DSP for access and MIMO digital coherent receivers” Reference number R140060.
ESR 9: VPI (Germany): “Innovative paradigms for cross layer photonics modelling” Reference number R140060.
ESR 10: Acreo – Swedish ICT “Flexible spectrum allocation in optical networks”. Reference number R140060.
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