
As result of the researching activities carried out by the group, several patents have been obtained:

“Optical system and method for ultrashort laser pulse characterization”

Application number: EP20150000347 20150206

Register number: EP3062075 (A1)

Authors: José Francisco Trull Silvestre, Crina Maria Cojocaru, Iñigo Juan Sola Larrañaga, Helder Manuel Paiva Rebelo Cerejo Crespo, Rosa Maria Romero Muñiz, Francisco José Maia Da Silva

Institution/companies: Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Universidad de Salamanca, Sphere Ultrafast Photonics

Application date: 6th february 2015

Type: European patent

Note: The company Sphere Ultrafast Photonics commercially exploits the patent

“Apparatus and method for online measurement of laser pulses with time-dependent polarization”

Application number: 201730215; PCT/ES2018/070116

Register number: ES2680045 (A1); WO2018150071 (A1)

Authors: Benjamín Alonso, Íñigo Sola

Institution/companies: Universidad de Salamanca

Application date: National application 20th February 2017; International application 2018.

Type: International patent

Method for the characterisation and compression of ultrashort pulses”

Application number: US201816615179 20180626

Register number: PT20170110166 20170626 ; WO2019003102

Authors: Benjamín Alonso, Íñigo Sola, Helder Crespo.

Institution/companies: Sphere Ultrafast Photonics, Universidad de Salamanca

Application date: National application 26th July de 2017; International application 2018.

Type: National patent (Portugal); International patent PCT.

Note: The company Sphere Ultrafast Photonics commercially exploits the patent

“Method and system for the temporal and spectral characterization of the amplitude and phase of ultrashort laser pulses”

Reference 201931137

Authors: Íñigo Sola, Benjamín Alonso.

Institution/companies: Universidad de Salamanca

Application date: 19th December  2019.

Type: National patent (Spain). Expansion to international patent has been requested. Exploitation by sector companies will be negotiated. 
