Our PhD thesis

Doctoral theses presented and/or directed by members of the group

Information on the PhD thesis recently presented

  • Author: Dº  Javier Prada Rodrigo
    • Title: Formation and characterization of surface micro- and nanostructures in polymers and polymeric nanocomposites prepared by irradiation with pulsed nano- and femtosecond lasers
    • Supervisor: D. Pablo Moreno Pedraz, Dª. Esther Rebollar Gonzalez.
    • Oral examination date: 8th June 2023

  • Author: Dº  Miguel López Ripa
    • Title: Development of ultra-stable characterization techniques for ultrashort laser beams
    • Supervisor: Íñigo Juan Sola Larrañaga, Benjamín Alonso Fernández.
    • Oral examination date: 26th May 2023

  • Author: Dº Benjamín Alonso Fernández.



adminOur PhD thesis