Scientific disclosure

Isolated and intense polarization-controlled optical magnetic fields

Usually, when talking about laser-matter interaction, only the electric field associated with such electromagnetic radiation is taken into account. One ...

Announcement of defense of doctoral thesis – Alba de las Heras

On May 24th, Alba de las Heras Muñoz, predoctoral researcher at Attostructura, will present her doctoral thesis titled "Study of ...

Attostructura participates in Pint of Science 24

Carlos Hernández García, the principal researcher of the Attostructura project, will be part of the exciting Pint of Science24 event ...

OP Session –  Random lasers: controlling their spectral persistence

Pedro Moronta from the Instituto de Ciencias Materiales de Madrid (ICMM), will give the seminar entitled "Random lasers: controlling their ...

Attostructura organizes and sponsors the inaugural meeting of the FASLIGHT network

Although in operation since June 2023, the FASLIGHT (RED2022-134391-T) network has officially embarked on its journey with the celebration of ...

BBVA foundation recognizes the ICO price of the International Commision of Optics awarded to Carlos Hernández García

The BBVA Foundation publishes on its website the news of the recognition received by Carlos Hernández - García, Attostructura IP, ...
attoScientific disclosure