Communication events

In order to disseminate the project and the results obtained in the scientific field, it will participate in congresses, conferences and seminars. Whenever possible, a link to the abstract, video or proceedings of the event will be included..

Information about the communication contributions within the project will be gathered below.

Communication events held in 2024

Martín Domene, S., Sánchez-Tejerina, L., Martín-Hernández, R., & Hernandez-Garcia, C. (2024, July 15). Generation of intense,polarization-controlledmagnetic fieldswith non-paraxialstructured laserbeams. XXXIX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, San Sebastián (Spain). Cite
Plaja, L., García Cabrera, A., & Hernández García, C. (2024, July 15). Tablot high-order harmonic spectroscopy form solids. XXXIX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, San Sebastián (Spain). Cite
Pablos-Marín, J. M., Serrano, J., & Hernańdez-García, C. (2024, July 15). Artificial intelligence applied to thesimulation of macroscopic highharmonic generation. XXXIX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, San Sebastián (Spain). Cite
Barbero, C., García-García, E., Alonso Fernández, B., Sola, Í. J., Mendez, C., & Rodríguez Frias, M. D. (2024, July 15). Spatio-Temporal characterization inVEGA-3 PW-class laser. XXXIX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, San Sebastián (Spain). Cite
Martín-Domene, S., Zurrón-Cifuentes, Ó., García Cabrera, A., Hernández García, C., & Plaja, L. (2024, July 15). Ultrafast magnetic filed induced by anistropy in carbon nanotubes irradiated by intense laser-fields. XXXIX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, San Sebastián (Spain). Cite
Barbero, C., Alonso, B., & Sola Larrañaga, I. J. (2024, July 2). Medida de pulsos ultracortos vectoriales con amplitude swing. XIV Reunión Nacional de Óptica, V Reunión Nacional Óptica Joven, Murcia (Spain). Cite
Barbero, C., García-García, E., Mendez, C., Rodríguez Frias, M. D., López-Ripa, M., Sola Larrañaga, I. J., & Alonso Fernández, B. (2024, July 2). PW-class laser spatio-temporal characterization. XIV Reunión Nacional de Óptica, V Reunión Nacional Óptica Joven, Murcia (Spain). Cite
Fernández Galán, M., Serrano, J., Conejero Jarque, E., Borrego-Varillas, R., Lucchini, M., Reduzzi, M., Nisoli, M., Brahms, C., Travers, J. C., Hernańdez-García, C., & San Román, J. (2024, July 2). Towards an all-fiber source of isolated attosecond pulses driven by high-energy sub-cycle waveforms from soliton dynamics. XIV Reunión Nacional de Óptica, V Reunión Nacional Óptica Joven, Murcia (Spain). Cite
Guerras, M., Lópe Quintás, I., & Sola Larrañaga, I. J. (2024, July 2). Sistema óptico aplicado a la espectroscopía resuelta en tiempo en el rango de femtosegundo y picosegundo. XIV Reunión Nacional de Óptica, V Reunión Nacional Óptica Joven, Murcia (Spain). Cite
Hernández García, C. (2024, July 2). Attosecond Structured Light. XIV Reunión Nacional de Óptica, V Reunión Nacional Óptica Joven, Murcia (Spain). Cite
Martín Domene, S., Sánchez-Tejerina, L., Martín-Hernández, R., & Hernández García, C. (2024, July 2). Intense and isolated polarization-controlled magnetic fields from structured laser beams to drive nonlinear magnetization dynamics. XIV Reunión Nacional de Óptica, V Reunión Nacional Óptica Joven, Murcia (Spain). Cite
Martín-Hernández, R., Gui, G., Plaja, L., Kapteyn, H. C., Murnane, M. M., Liao, C.-T., Porras, M. Á., & Hernandez-Garcia, C. (2024, July 2). Generation of extreme-ultraviolet high-topological charge spatiotemporal optical vortices. XIV Reunión Nacional de Óptica, V Reunión Nacional Óptica Joven, Murcia (Spain). Cite
Pablos-Marín, J. M., Schmidt, D., De Las Heras, A., Westlake, N., Serrano, J., Lei, Y., Kazansky, P., Adams, D., Durfee, C., & Hernández García, C. (2024, July 2). Self-interference of Hermite-Gaussian high-order harmonics simulated through machine learning. XIV Reunión Nacional de Óptica, V Reunión Nacional Óptica Joven, Murcia (Spain). Cite
Plaja, L., García Cabrera, A., Boyero-García, R., Zurrón-Cifuentes, O., Serrano, J., San Román, J., & Hernández-García, C. (2024, July 2). Topological spectroscopy: High Harmonic Generation from Graphene irradiated by structured fields. XIV Reunión Nacional de Óptica, V Reunión Nacional Óptica Joven, Murcia (Spain). Cite
Serrano, J., Pablos-Marín, J. M., & Hernández García, C. (2024, July 2). Macroscopic simulations of high-order harmonic generation assisted by artificial intelligence. XIV Reunión Nacional de Óptica, V Reunión Nacional Óptica Joven, Murcia (Spain). Cite
Martín-Hernández, R., Guan, G., Plaja, L., Kapteyn, H. C., Murnane, M. M., Porras, M. A., Liao, C.-T., & Hernandez-Garcia, C. (2024, June 6). Generation of extreme-ultraviolet spatiotemporal optical vortices. Gordon Research Conference on Multiphoton Processes, Rhode Island (United States). Cite
Carlos Hernández-García. (2024, June 24). Attosecond vortex pulse trains. 7th International Conference on Optical Angular Momentum ICOAM2024, Kruger National Park (South Africa). Cite
Pablos-Marín, J. M., Serrano, J., & Hernández-García, C. (2024, June 6). Deep learning as a computational approach for modeling macroscopic high harmonic generation. Gordon Research Conference on Multiphoton Processes, Rhode Island (United States). Cite
Martín-Hernández, R., Guan, G., Plaja, L., Kapteyn, H. C., Murnane, M. M., Porras, M. Á., Liao, C.-T., & Hernández-García, C. (2024, June 24). Generation of extreme-ultraviolet spatiotemporal optical vortices. 7th International Conference on Optical Angular Momentum ICOAM2024, Kruger National Park (South Africa). Cite
De Las Heras, A., Schmidt, D., San Román, J., Serrano, J., Adams, D., Plaja, L., Durfee, C. G., & Hernández-García, C. (2024, January 18). Generation of attosecond vortex pulse trains. Faslight – Kick off meeting, Salamanca (Spain). Cite
Fernández Galán, M., Serrano, J., Conejero Jarque, E., Hernández-García, C., & San Román, J. (2024, January 18). Robust isolated attosecond pulse generation driven by self-compressed sub-cycle waveforms. Faslight – Kick off meeting, Salamanca (Spain). Cite
Martín Domene, S., Sánchez-Tejerina, L., Martín-Hernández, R., & Hernández-García, C. (2024, January 18). Intense and isolated polarization-controled magnetic fields with non-paraxial structured laser beams. Faslight – Kick off meeting, Salamanca (Spain). Cite
Martín-Hernández, R., Porras, M. A., Plaja, L., & Hernández-García, C. (2024, January 18). Generation of extreme-ultraviolet spatiotemporal optical vortices. Faslight – Kick off meeting, Salamanca (Spain). Cite
Pablos-Marín, J. M., Schmidt, D., De Las Heras, A., Westlake, N., Serrano, J., Lei, Y., Kazansky, P., Adams, D., Durfee, C., & Hernández-García, C. (2024, January 18). High harmonic generation driven by Hermite-Gaussian beams. Faslight – Kick off meeting, Salamanca (Spain). Cite
Serrano, J., Pablos-Marín, J. M., & Hernández-García, C. (2024, January 18). Fast simulations of high harmonic generation using deep neural networks. Faslight – Kick off meeting, Salamanca (Spain). Cite
Hernández-García, C. (2024, March 12). Simulating Macroscopic High-order Harmonic Generation Driven by Structured Laser Beams Using Artificial Intelligence. High-Intensity Lasers and High-Field Phenomena (HILAS, Vienna (Austria). Cite
Galán, M. F., Serrano, J., Conejero Jarque, E., Borrego-Varillas, R., Lucchini, M., Reduzzi, M., Nisoli, M., Brahms, C., Travers, J. C., Hernández-García, C., & San Román, J. (2024, March 12). Compact Generation of Isolated Attosecond Pulses Driven by Self-compressed Subcycle Waveforms. High-Intensity Lasers and High-Field Phenomena (HILAS, Vienna (Austria). Cite
Martín-Hernández, R., Guan, G., Plaja, L., Kapteyn, H. C., Murnane, M. M., Porras, M. A., Liao, C.-T., & Hernández-García, C. (2024, March 12). Generation of high-order harmonic spatiotemporal optical vortices. High-Intensity Lasers and High-Field Phenomena (HILAS, Vienna (Austria). Cite

Communication events held in 2023
Hernandez-García, C. (2023, November 5). Short Wavelength Structured Light for Attosecond Science. Optics & Photonics in Africa 2023, White River (South Africa). Cite
Marco, D., Sánchez-López, M. D. M., Hernández-García, C., & Moreno, I. (2023, June 26). Mapping relations between the polarization, the higherorder and the orbital angular momentum Poincaré spheres for inner points. CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023, Munich (Germany). Cite
Hernandez-Garcia, Carlos. (2023, January 8). Light topology interplay in high harmonic generation driven by structured laser pulses. 52nd Winter Colloquium on Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, Utah (USA). Cite
de Las Heras, A. (2023, February 9). Generación de pulsos láser de alta frecuencia y Attociencia. IX Jornadas de Investigadoras de Castilla y León, Salamanca (Spain). Cite
de Las Heras, A., Hernández-García, C., Serrano, J., Popmintchev, T., & Plaja, L. (2023, June 26). Attosecond Rabi oscillations revealed in EUV-driven high harmonic spectroscopy. CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023, Munich (Germany). Cite
Serrano, J., Pablos-Marín, J. M., & Hernandez-Garcia, Carlos, C. (2023, September 13). Efficient simulation of highly nonlinear optics using parallelization and artificial intelligence. 17th RES Users Conference, Barcelona (Spain). Cite
Serrano, J., Pablos-Marín, J. M., & Hernandez-Garcia, Carlos, C. (2023, June 12). Multiscale simulation of high harmonic. International Workshop on Computational Nanotechnology (IWCN 2023), Barcelona (Spain). Cite
Plaja, L., Martín-Hernández, R., Hu, H., Baltuska, A., & Hernandez-Garcia, Carlos, C. (2023, September 11). Ultra-high phase-locked harmonic generation from magnetic transversal confinement of electrons. EOS Annual Meeting (EOSAM) 2023, Dijon (France). Cite
Martinez Morillo, M. J., Sola Larrañaga, I. J., Aguado, J. C., & Jarabo, S. (2023, February 9). Implicaciones del medio activo en láseres de fibra dopada con erbio. IX Jornadas de Investigadoras de Castilla y León, Salamanca (Spain). Cite
de Las Heras, A. (2023, April 20). Dinámicas multielectrónicas en la espectroscopía de armónicos de orden alto. II Northwest Meeting of Young Researchers in Optics – II NW MYRO, Salamanca (Spain). Cite
Barbero, C., Alonso, B., & Sola, I. J. (2023, June 26). Ultrashort laser vector pulses characterization with amplitude swing. CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023, Munich (Germany). Cite
Lopez-Ripa, M., Sola, Í. J., & Alonso, B. (2023, June 26). Ultrashort pulse characterization over octave spanning spectral range in visible-IR using amplitude swing. CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023, Munich (Germany). Cite
Grünewald, L., Martín-Hernández, R., Gangrskaia, E., Shumakova, V., Hernandez-Garcia, C., & Mai, S. (2023, June 26). Particle-in-Cell simulations of ultrashort optical laser pulses for magnetic field enhancement and electric field suppression. CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023, Munich (Germany). Cite
Pablos-Marín, J. M., Serrano, J., & Hernandez-Garcia, C. (2023, June 26). Complete computation of macroscopic high harmonic generation using artificial intelligence. CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023, Munich (Germany). Cite
García Cabrera, A., Boyero-García, R., Zurrón-Cifuentes, Ó., Serrano, J., San Román, J., Plaja, L., & Hernandez-Garcia, C. (2023, June 26). Light topology interplay in high harmonic generation from graphene. CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023, Munich (Germany). Cite
Fernández Galán, M., Serrano, J., Conejero Jarque, E., Hernandez-Garcia, C., & San Román, J. (2023, June 26). Robust generation of isolated attosecond pulses with self-compressed sub-cycle drivers from negatively pumped hollow capillary fibers. CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023, Munich (Germany). Cite
de las Heras, A., Brooks, N. J., Wang, B., Binnie, I., San Román, J., Plaja, L., Kapteyn, H. C., Murnane, M. M., & Hernández-García, C. (2023, June 26). Bright, high-frequency, circularly polarized structured attosecond pulses. CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023, Munich (Germany). Cite
Martín-Hernández, R., Hu, H., Baltuška, A., Plaja, L., & Hernández-García, C. (2023, June 26). Fourier-Limited Few-Cycle Attosecond Pulses from High-Order Harmonic Generation Assisted by an Ultraintense Ultrafast Magnetic Field. CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023, Munich (Germany). Cite
Vismarra, F., Mocci, D., Colaizzi, L., Fernández Galán, M., Boyero-García, R., Serrano, J., Conejero Jarque, E., Pini, M., Mai, L., Wu, Y., Reduzzi, M., Lucchini, M., Wörner, H. J., Arnold, C. L., San Román, J., Hernández-García, C., Nisoli, M., & Borrego-Varillas, R. (2023, June 26). Isolated Attosecond Pulse Generation Driven by Spatio-Temporal Pulse Reshaping in a Semi-infinite Gas Cell. CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023, Munich (Germany). Cite
S Wang, Yan, J., de Las Heras, A., Song, S., Prodanov, A., Wu, Z., Hernandez-Garcia, C., Plaja, L., Popmintchev, D., & Popmintchev, T. (2023, June 26). Surprise in Highly Correlated Two-Electron System: Extended Secondary Plateau in X-ray High Harmonic Generation from Helium Due to Double Electron Recombination. Cite
Hernandez-García, C. (2023, July 3). Structured Light Topology in Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics. LPHYS23, 31st Annual International Laser Physics Workshop, Online. Cite
García Cabrera, A., Boyero-García, R., Zurrón-Cifuentes, Ó., Serrano, J., San Román, J., Plaja, L., & Hernandez-Garcia, C. (2023, September 11). High-harmonic spectroscopy of solids driven by structured light. EOS Annual Meeting (EOSAM) 2023, Dijon (France). Cite
Hernandez-García, C. (2023, July 3). Control of Attosecond and Strong Field Processes Using Structured Light. Colloquium at the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresde (Germany). Cite
Hernandez-García, C. (2023, July 10). Artificial intelligence applied to the calculation of HHG driven by structured laser beams. Control of Ultrafast (Attosecond and Strong Field) Processes Using Structured Light, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresde (Germany). Cite
Serrano, J., Pablos-Marín, J. M., & Hernandez-Garcia, Carlos, C. (2023, September 11). Machine-learning applied to the simulation of high harmonic generation driven by structured laser beams. EOS Annual Meeting (EOSAM) 2023, Dijon (France). Cite

Communication events held in 2022
López-Ripa, M., Sola, I. J., & Alonso, B. (2022, September 12). Ultrastable spatiotemporal characterization of optical vortices in the visible and near infrared. European Optical Society Annual Meeting, EOSAM 2022, Porto (Portugal). Cite
García Cabrera, A., Boyero-García, R., Zurrón-Cifuentes, Ó., San Román, J., Hernandez-Garcia, C., & Plaja, L. (2022, July 11). Multi-vortex high-harmonic beams from graphene’s anisotropy. XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, Murcia (Spain). Cite
de Las Heras, A., Hernandez-Garcia, Carlos, & Plaja, L. (2022, October 18). Multielectron back reaction in high-order harmonic generation. 9th Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory: Prospects and Applications, Benasque (Spain). Cite
Martín-Hernández, R., Sanchez-Tejerina, L., Conejero Jarque, E., Plaja, L., & Hernandez-Garcia, C. (2022, September 4). Highly isolated femtosecond magnetic fields driven by azimuthally polarized laser beams in nanoantennas. Trends in Magnetism 2022, Venice (Italy). Cite
Pandey, A. K., de Las Heras, A., San Roman, J., Serrano, J., Baynard, E., Dovillaire, G., Pittman, M., Durfee, C., Plaja, L., Kazamias, S., Hernandez-Garcia, C., & Guilbaud, O. (2022, March 22). High Topological Charge Extreme-Ultraviolet Vortex and Vector-Vortex Beams. High-Brightness And Light Driven Interactions, Online – Budapest (Hungary). Cite
Martín-Hernández, R., Plaja, L., & Hernandez-Garcia, C. (2022, September 12). Fourier-limited attosecond pulse generation with magnetic pumped high-order harmonic generation. European Optical Society Annual Meeting, EOSAM 2022, Porto (Portugal). Cite
Hernandez-Garcia, C. (2022, June 12). Novel Ultrafast Structured Sources. Gordon Research Conference on Multiphoton Processes, Smithfield (US). Cite
López-Ripa, M., Sola, I. J., & Alonso, B. (2022, July 11). In-line and ultraestable spatiotemporal characterization of constant and time-varying optical vortices. XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, Murcia (Spain). Cite
López-Ripa, M., Sola, I. J., & Alonso, B. (2022, May 15). Spatiotemporal Characterization of Time-varying Optical Vortices with a Bulk Interferometer. 2022 CLEO Conference and Exhibition, Online – San Jose (USA). Cite
de Las Heras, A., Pandey, A. K., San Roman, J., Serrano, J., & Plaja, L. (2022, July 11). Extreme-ultraviolet scalar and vectorial vortices with very high topological charge. XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, Murcia (Spain). Cite
de Las Heras, A., Pandey, A. K., San Roman, J., Larrieu, T., Serrano, J., Baynard, E., Dovillaire, G., Pittman, M., Durfee, C. G., Plaja, L., Kazamias, S., Guilbaud, O., & Hernández-García, C. (2022, June 12). Nonlinear up-conversion of scalar and vectorial vortices through high harmonic generation. 6th International Conference on optical Angular Momentum (ICOAM), Tampere (Finland). Cite
Martín-Hernández, R., Sanchez-Tejerina, L., Conejero Jarque, E., Plaja, L., & Hernandez-Garcia, C. (2022, July 11). Spatial isolation of femtosecond magnetic needles driven by azimuthally-polarized laser beam. XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, Murcia (Spain). Cite
Lopez-Quintas, I., Holgado, W., Drevinskas, R., Kazansky, P. G., Sola, I. J., & Alonso, B. (2022, July 11). Collinear optical vortices with tailored topological charge generated by angular momentum transfer. XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, Murcia (Spain). Cite
Sanchez-Tejerina, L., Martín-Hernández, R., Yanes, R., Plaja, L., López-Diaz, L., & Hernandez-Garcia, C. (2022, July 11). Non-linear, purely magnetic magnetization response to femtosecond structured laser pulses. XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, Murcia (Spain). Cite
Hernandez-Garcia, C. (2022, August 21). Novel nonlinear phenomena driven by intense, structured femtosecond magnetic pulses. CMD29 – Condensed Matter Division EPS/IOP Conference 2022, Manchester (UK). Cite
Hernandez-Garcia, C. (2022, September 28). Novel nonlinear physics driven by ultrafast structured laser pulses. QUTIF (Quantum Dynamics in Tailored Intense Fields) Final Colloquium 2022 in Bad Honnef, Bonn (Germany). Cite
Martín-Hernández, R., Plaja, L., & Hernandez-Garcia, C. (2022, July 11). Magnetically-pumped High Harmonic Generation with circularly polarized driving fields. XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, Murcia (Spain). Cite
de Las Heras, A., Hernandez-Garcia, Carlos, Serrano, J., Popmintchev, T., & Plaja, L. (2022, October 17). Attosecond Rabi oscillations in bright high harmonic emission in the X-ray regime driven by XUV pulses. 2022 Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science, Rochester, New York (USA). Cite
Hernandez-Garcia, C. (2022, September 12). Novel ultrafast structured EUV/x-ray sources from nonlinear optics. European Optical Society Annual Meeting, EOSAM 2022, Porto (Portugal). Cite
Sanchez-Tejerina, L., Yanes, R., Martín-Hernández, R., Plaja, L., López-Diaz, L., & Hernandez-Garcia, C. (2022, July 24). Purely Precessional All-Optical Femtosecond Magnetic Switching. The Joint European Magnetic Symposia, Warsaw (Poland). Cite
Sanchez-Tejerina, L., Martín-Hernández, R., Yanes, R., Plaja, L., López-Diaz, L., Raposo, V., & Hernandez-Garcia, C. (2022, September 4). Antiferromagnetic THz oscillations excited by sub-picosecond structured laser pulses. Trends in Magnetism 2022, Venice (Italy). Cite
García Cabrera, A., Boyero-García, R., Zurrón-Cifuentes, Ó., San Román, J., Plaja, L., & Hernandez-Garcia, C. (2022, June 12). Multi-vortex high-harmonic beams from graphene’s anisotropy. 6th International Conference on optical Angular Momentum (ICOAM), Tampere (Finland). Cite
Plaja, L., García Cabrera, A., Boyero-García, R., Zurrón, O., San Roman, J., & Hernández-García, C. (2022, September 12). Multi-beam vortex generation induced by the non-linear optical anisotropy of graphene. European Optical Society Annual Meeting, EOSAM 2022, Porto (Portugal). Cite
Sanchez-Tejerina, L., Martín-Hernández, R., Yanes, R., Plaja, L., & Hernandez-Garcia, C. (2022, July 11). Magnetic order excitation by magnetic fields from sub-picosecond structured laser pulses. XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, Murcia (Spain). Cite
de las Heras, A. (2022, May 5). Nonlinear up-conversion of structured light into the extreme ultraviolet. I Northwest Meeting of Young Researchers in Optics – I NW MYRO, Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Cite
Serrano, J., & Hernandez-Garcia, C. (2022, July 11). High-performance simulations of high-order harmonic generation based on artificial intelligence. XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física, Murcia (Spain). Cite

Communication events held in 2021
Alonso, B., Holgado, W., & Sola, Í. J. (2021). Ultrashort laser pulse characterization by means of amplitude swing. 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), 1–1. Cite
Heras, A. de L., Hernandez-Garcia, C., & Plaja, L. (2021, May 13). Multi-electron correlations in the emission of coherent extreme-ultraviolet light. Light Research Café: Junior Explosion! (online), Online. Cite
López-Ripa, M., Alonso, B., Jarabo, S., Salgado-Remacha, F. J., Aguado, J. C., & Sola, Í. J. (2021, July 30). Inestabilidades tiro a tiro y polarización dependiente del tiempo en láser ultrarrápido de fibra dopada con erbio. XII Reunión Nacional de Optoelectrónica (OPTOEL 2021, Zaragoza (Spain) – online. Cite
García-Cabrera, A., Hernández-García, C., & Plaja, L. (2021). High-Harmonic Spectroscopy through Matter Talbot-Lau Interferometry. 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), 1–1. Cite
Lopez-Quintas, I., Holgado, W., Drevinskas, R., Kazansky, P. G., Sola, Í. J., & Alonso, B. (2021). Generation of optical vortices with diverse topological charge via angular momentum transfer. 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), 1–1. Cite
Brooks, N. J., Rego, L., Nguyen, Q. L. D., San Roman, J., Binnie, I., Plaja, L., Hernández-García, C., Kapteyn, H. C., & Murnane, M. M. (2021). Necklace High Harmonic Generation for Low-Divergence, Soft X-Ray Harmonic Combs with Tunable Line Spacing. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, FF1A.2. Cite
Pandey, A. K., de Las Heras, A., Román, J. S., Plaja, L., Baynard, E., Dovillaire, G., Pittman, M., Kazamias, S., Guilbaud, O., & Hernández-García, C. (2021). Extreme-Ultraviolet Vortices of very high Topological Charge. 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), 1–1. Cite
Sola, Í. J., Lopez-Quintas, I., Holgado, W., Drevinskas, R., Kazansky, P. G., Hernández-García, C., & Alonso, B. (2021). Spatiotemporal and polarization full characterization of complex ultrafast beams. 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), 1–1. Cite
Las Heras, A. de, Kumar Pandey, A., Román, J. S., Plaja, L., Baynard, E., Dovillaire, G., Pittman, M., Durfee, C. G., Kazamias, S., Guilbaud, O., & Hernández-García, C. (2021). Generation of Coherent Extreme-Ultraviolet Vector-Vortex beams. 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), 1–1. Cite
Hernández-García, C. (2021, October 13). Shaping high-order harmonic combs through phased-necklace drivers. 2nd Annual workshop of European COST Action CA18222 “Attochem,” Online. Cite
Hernández-García, C. (2021, May 31). Structured EUV/soft x-ray attosecond pulses. ALBA II – Workshop on Coherence and Time-resolved X-ray Science, Online. Cite
Rego, L., Brooks, N. J., Nguyen, Q. L. D., Román, J. S., Binnie, I., Plaja, L., Kapteyn, H. C., Murnane, M. M., & Hernández-García, C. (2021). Low-Divergence, Soft X-Ray Harmonic Combs with Tunable Line Spacing from Necklace-Structured Driving Lasers. 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), 1–1. Cite
Martín, R., Plaja, Luis, J., & Hernandez-Garcia, C. (2021, November 22). Generación de armónicos de orden elevado en presencia de campos magnéticos ultraintensos. XIII National Optics Meeting (RNO2021), Online. Cite
López-Ripa, M., Alonso, B., Jarabo, S., Salgado-Remacha, F. J., Aguado, J. C., & Sola, Í. J. (2021). Instabilities and time dependent polarization in ultrafast erbium doped fiber laser. 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), 1–1. Cite
Hernández-García, C. (2021, April 19). EUV/soft x-ray high-harmonic pulses structured in their spectral, spatial and polarization properties. The 10th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources ALPS2021 conference,  in the frame of “Optics & Photonics International Congress” (OPIC), Online. Cite
Schmidt, D., Goldberg, D., de Las Heras, A., Hernandez-Garcia, C., Kazansky, P., Adams, D., & Durfee, C. (2021, November 1). Characterization of Highly Structured High Harmonic Beams through Multiplexed Broadband Ptychography. Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science, Online. Cite
López-Ripa, M., Sola, I., & Alonso, B. (2021, November 22). Caracterización espaciotemporal de vórtices ópticos ultracortos. XIII National Optics Meeting (RNO2021), Online. Cite
de Las Heras, A., Kumar Pandey, A., San Roman, J., Serrano, J., Baynard, E., Dovillaire, G., Pittman, M., Durfee, C. G., Plaja, L., Kazamias, S., Guilbaud, O., & Hernandez-Garcia, C. (2021, November 22). Structuring XUV Vector-Vortex Beams via High Harmonic Generation. XIII National Optics Meeting (RNO2021), Online. Cite
García-Cabrera, A., Boyero-García, R., Zurrón-Cifuentes, Ó., Román, J. S., Plaja, L., & Hernández-García, C. (2021). Light Spin-Orbit Coupling in High-Order Harmonic Generation via Graphene’s Band Anisotropy. 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), 1–1. Cite
Hernández-García, C. (2021, March 8). Generation of circularly polarized attosecond pulses and structured attosecond beams. Winter school on novel attosecond technologies for the European COST Action “Attochem,” Online. Cite
Hernández-García, C. (2021, July 20). Structured ultrafast high-harmonic pulses. META 2021, The 11th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Warsaw (Poland) – Online. Cite
Boyero-García, R., Zurrón-Cifuentes, Ó., García-Cabrera, A., Hernández-García, C., & Plaja, L. (2021). Macroscopic Signatures of the Non-Perturbative Response of Single Layer Graphene to Intense Laser Fields. 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), 1–1. Cite
de Las Heras, A., Kumar Pandey, A., San Roman, J., Serrano, J., Baynard, E., Dovillaire, G., Pittman, M., Durfee, C. G., Plaja, L., Kazamias, S., Guilbaud, O., & Hernandez-Garcia, C. (2021, November 1). Structuring Harmonic Vector-Vortex Beams in the Extreme Ultraviolet. Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science, Online. Cite
Hernández-García, C. (2021, July 20). Light pulses structured at the attosecond timescale. The 32nd International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic Collisions (ViCPEAC 2021), Online. Cite
García-Cabrera, A., Hernandez-Garcia, C., & Plaja, L. (2021, November 22). Ultrafast Talbot Spectroscopy. XIII National Optics Meeting (RNO2021), Online. Cite
Pandey, A. K., de Las Heras, A., San Roman, J., Serrano, J., Baynard, E., Dovillaire, G., Pittman, M., Durfee, C. G., Plaja, L., Kazamias, S., Hernandez-Garcia, C., & Guilbaud, O. (2021, November). Extreme-Ultraviolet Vortex and Vector-Vortex Beams with very high Topological Charge. French National Conference on Ultrafast Optics, Paris (France). Cite
Rego, L., Román, J. S., Plaja, L., & Hernández-García, C. (2021). Attosecond Pulse Trains with Time-Dependent Spin Angular Momentum. 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), 1–1. Cite

Communication events held in 2020
López-Ripa, M., Holgado, W., Drevinskas, R., Kazansky, P. G., Sola, I. J., & Alonso, B. (2020, June 22). Ultrafast fiber lasers and intracavity supercontinuum generation. Photonics Online Meetup (POM20Ju), Online – ETH Zurich (Switzerland). Cite
Alonso, B., Holgado, W., & Sola, I. J. (2020). Measuring ultrashort laser pulses with amplitude swing. Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, JW5B.3. Cite
Hernández-García, C. (2020, September 16). Macroscopic simulations of the microscopic quantum dynamics of laser-matter interaction to structure ultrafast light pulses. Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES) 14th, Online. Cite
Heras, A. de las, Hernández-García, C., & Plaja, L. (2020). Multielectron trace of back reaction in high-harmonic generation. The 22nd International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena 2020, Tu4A.43. Cite
Chang, K.-Y., Huang, L.-C., Asaga, K., Huang, P.-C., Tsai, M.-S., Rego, L., Plaja, L., Mashiko, H., Oguri, K., Hernandez-Garcia, C., & Chen, M.-C. (2020). High-Harmonic Dipole Response Characterized by Ellipsometry. The 22nd International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena 2020, W3A.2. Cite
García-Cabrera, A., Hernández-García, C., & Plaja, L. (2020, September 31). Signatures of electronic Talbot revivals in HHG from a one-dimensional crystal. Condensed Matter Divisions of the Spanish Royal Physics Society (RSEF-GEFES) and of the European Physical Society (EPS-CMD. CMD2020GEFES, Online – Madrid (Spain). Cite
de las Heras, A., Hernández-García, C., & Plaja, L. (2020, July 1). Spectral signature of correlation back-reaction. Quantum Battles in Attoscience virtual workshop, Online. Cite
Chang, K.-Y., Huang, L.-C., Asaga, K., Tsai, M.-S., Rego, L., Huang, P.-C., Mashiko, H., Oguri, K., Hernández-García, C., & Chen, M.-C. (2020). High-order Nonlinear Dipole Response Characterized by Extreme-Ultraviolet Ellipsometry. OSA High-Brightness Sources and Light-Driven Interactions Congress 2020 (EUVXRAY, HILAS, MICS), HF2B.5. Cite
Alonso, B., Lopez-Quintas, I., Holgado, W., Drevinskas, R., Kazansky, P. G., Hernández-García, C., & Sola, Í. J. (2020). Measurement of the spatiotemporal polarization of ultrafast vector beams. In B. Lee Mazzali, C. ,. Corwin, K. ,. and Jason Jones, R. (Ed.), Frontiers in Optics / Laser Science (p. LW7G.3). Optical Society of America. Cite
Lopez-Quintas, I., Holgado, W., Drevinskas, R., Kazansky, P. G., Sola, I. J., & Alonso, B. (2020, June 22). In-line generation of optical vortices via angular momentum transfer. Photonics Online Meetup (POM20Ju), Online – ETH Zurich (Switzerland). Cite
Alonso, B., Lopez-Quintas, I., Holgado, W., Drevinskas, R., Kazansky, P. G., Hernández-García, C., & Sola, Í. J. (2020). Characterization of the polarization of ultrafast vector beams in the spatiotemporal domain. Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, JW5B.2. Cite
Alonso, B., & Sola, I. J. (2020, September 2). Characterization of broadband ultrashort pulses with amplitude swing. 2nd Conference on Advancements of Laser, Optics & Photonics, Online – Paris (Francia). Cite
Boyero-García, R., Zurrón-Cifuentes, Ó., Plaja, L., & Hernández-García, C. (2020). Phase matched high-harmonic generation in macroscopic single-layer graphene. The 22nd International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena 2020, Th3B.8. Cite
Alonso, B., & Sola, I. J. (2020, November 26). Robustness of the characterization of ultrashort pulses with amplitude swing. Conference on Optics and Photonics (COP2020), Online – Lisboa (Portugal). Cite
Alonso, B., Holgado, W., & Sola, Í. J. (2020). Amplitude swing: measuring ultrashort laser pulses. In B. Lee Mazzali, C. ,. Corwin, K. ,. and Jason Jones, R. (Ed.), Frontiers in Optics / Laser Science (p. LM4F.2). Optical Society of America. Cite
Barco, O. del, Sola, I. J., Conejero-Jarque, E., & Bueno, J. M. (2020). A phase-compensation method for broadband multilayer reflectors design. In L. Caspani Tauke-Pedretti, A. ,. Leo, F. ,. and Yang, B. (Ed.), OSA Advanced Photonics Congress (AP) 2020 (IPR, NP, NOMA, Networks, PVLED, PSC, SPPCom, SOF) (p. JTu3F.9). Optical Society of America. Cite

attoCommunication events