Benoit Richard, researcher in the Hamburg University, will give the seminar entitled “Coulomb explosion as a potential new tool for the ultrafast imaging of single molecules” on February 24 at 12:00.
The seminar will take place in classroom VII of the Edificio Trilingüe at the University of Salamanca.
Rosa M. Martínez-Ojeda, predoctoral researcher in the University of Murcia, will give the seminar entitled “Microscopia multifotónica: donde cabe uno caben dos (o más)” on November 25 at 13:00.
The seminar will take place in classroom VII of the Edificio Trilingüe at the University of Salamanca.
Julio San Román, member of the Laser and Photonic Applications group (ALF-USAL), will give the seminar entitled “Relativistic quantum effects in laser-driven electrons” on October 21 at 1:00 p.m.
The seminar will be held in memory of Prof. Howard R. Reiss who passed away last August, and will take place in room VII of the Trilingual Building at the University of Salamanca.
Begoña Abad Mayor, from the Nanophononics group at the University of Basel, will give the seminar entitled “Thermal and acoustic dynamics in complex materials by ultrafast techniques” on September 7 at 12:00.
The seminar will take place in classroom VII of the Edificio Trilingüe at the University of Salamanca.
Rodrigo Martínez, from the Instituto de Fisica Interdisciplinar y Sistemas Complejos (IFISC), will give the seminar entitled “Reservoir Computing with Quantum Systems” on June 09 at 12:00 a.m.
The seminar will take place in Classroom IV of the Edificio Trilingüe, University of Salamanca.
Andreas Döpp, from Ludwing-Maximilians Universität München, will give the seminar entitled “Laser-plasma X-ray sources… and how to improve them with machine learning methods” next May 19 at 09:30.
The seminar will be in English, and will take place in room 0-01 of the Merced Building at the University of Salamanca.
Wojciech Gawelda, member of IMDEA-Nanociencia (Faculty of Sciences of the Autonomous University of Madrid), will give the seminar entitled “Tracking ultrafast structural dynamics in condensed phase matter using X-ray free electron lasers” on May 16 at 12:00 p.m.
The seminar will be in English and will take place in Classroom E2 of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Salamanca.
With the advent of soft- and hard X-ray Free Electron Lasers (XFEL) sources, entirely new scientific opportunities and prospects have been become available in the field of structural studies. One of the most unprecedented features of XFELs is their ability to produce high intensity and fully coherent pulsed X-ray beams, with single pulse duration well below 100 femtoseconds (1 fs =10-15 s). This property allows dynamical studies of light-matter interactions virtually in any medium on the very fundamental timescales of interatomic motions, from gas-phase to complex strongly correlated solids, high-temperature superconductors, biomolecules and various nanomaterials.
In this seminar I will present a state-of-the-art overview of the abovementioned research venues, which highly benefit from the continuous progress in the field of XFEL technology. In particular, I will focus on those aspects, which profit most from the very high temporal resolution achievable in time-resolved XFEL experiments on combination with atomic spatial resolution.
Guillermo Martin, from the Institut de Planetologie et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble (FRANCE), will give the Seminar “Applications of photo-registration laser for astrophotonics and spectrometry“.
The seminar will take place on Tuesday, April 5 at 12:00 in E2 room in the Sciences School of the University of Salamanca
Matthieu Guer, a member of the École Nórmale Supérieure de Lyon who is doing a research stay in the Laser and Photonics Applications group (ALF – USAL), will give the seminar entitled “How do photons combine in non-perturbative physics?”.
The seminar will take place on Thursday, February 24 at 09:15 in Aula VII in the Trilingual Building of the University of Salamanca.
Jorge Souto, from the University of Valladolid, will give the seminar entitled “Degradation of laser diodes: physical models and resolution by finite element methods (FEM)” on December 14 at 11:30.
The seminar is open to all who want to attend, it will take place in the Aula Sancho Guimerá (Exactas) of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Salamanca.
The entire seminar will be uploaded to this website and to the YouTube channel of the ALF-USAL group.