
Isolated and intense polarization-controlled optical magnetic fields

Usually, when talking about laser-matter interaction, only the electric field associated with such electromagnetic radiation is taken into account. One of the reasons for this is that the excitations induced by the magnetic field are orders of magnitude smaller than those driven by the electric field. However, the interest in coherently probing magnetic systems on specific time and

Announcement of defense of doctoral thesis – Alba de las Heras

On May 24th, Alba de las Heras Muñoz, predoctoral researcher at Attostructura, will present her doctoral thesis titled “Study of Multielectron Dynamics and Structured Laser Beams in Attosecond Physics” supervised by Dr. Carlos Hernández García and Dr. Luis Plaja Rustein. The defense will take place at 11:00 AM in Room III of the Trilingual Building.

Attostructura participates in Pint of Science 24

Carlos Hernández García, the principal researcher of the Attostructura project, will be part of the exciting Pint of Science24 event. This international festival, held annually in bars, pubs, and other informal venues across multiple countries around the world, offers a unique experience where scientists and researchers share their knowledge in engaging and accessible talks for

OP Session –  Random lasers: controlling their spectral persistence

Pedro Moronta from the Instituto de Ciencias Materiales de Madrid (ICMM), will give the seminar entitled “Random lasers: controlling their spectral persistence” on Friday, March 22 at 13:00. The seminar will take place in room II of Edificio Trilingüe at Universidad de Salamanca.

Attostructura organizes and sponsors the inaugural meeting of the FASLIGHT network

Although in operation since June 2023, the FASLIGHT (RED2022-134391-T) network has officially embarked on its journey with the celebration of its inaugural meeting. This gathering, held on January 18 and 19, 2024, at the School of Physics of the University of Salamanca, brought together over 65 researchers from the 15 network nodes. During the event,

Carlos Hernández García awarded the Internationl Commission of Optics (ICO) 2023 award

Carlos Hernández García, member of the ALF – USAL group and principal investigator of the Attostructura project, has been awarded in the latest edition of the International Commission of Optics (ICO) 2023 Award in recognition of (textual quote) “for seminal contributions in the theory and modeling of laser- driven high harmonic generation and understanding how

Creation of the unit of excellence LUMES

Last June, the Unit of Excellence in Structured Light and Matter (LUMES) was created. The creation of the Unit of Excellence in Structured Light and Matter represents a step forward in the consolidation of the University of Salamanca as an international reference in the understanding and application of the interactions between light and matter on

Controlling light with intelligence

Thanks to a process called “high-order harmonic generation” significant progress has been made in generating ultrashort X-ray pulses over the past few years, with a duration of a few attoseconds (equivalent to dividing a second into 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 parts). This extremely short duration is comparable to the time it takes for electrons to transfer between atoms,

Seminar: Attosecond Quantum Technologies for Advanced Materials Metrologies (Henry Kapteyn)

Next June 19 at 09:00 in classroom III of the Trilingual building, Henry Kapteyn from JILA from University of Colorado Boulder will give the seminar: Attosecond Quantum Technologies for Advanced Materials Metrologies Next-generation nano and quantum devices have increasingly complex 3D structure. As their dimensions shrink, their performance is often governed by interface quality or precise chemical, interfacial or dopant