First call for the USAL4EXCELLENCE project is now open. Until February 15, 2022, interested candidates may submit their applications through the procedure enabled in the electronic headquarters of the USAL.
All the information about the project and the process of preparing / sending applications on the project website is available at the web: USAL4EXCELLENCE – USAL 4 Excellence
Application deadline: February 15th 2022
The “University of Salamanca Programme to Foster Research Excellence” (USAL4EXCELLENCE) is an initiative of the University of Salamanca (USAL) funded by the Horizon 2020 Programme under MSCA COFUND actions and cofunded by the Junta de Castilla y León, which aims to recruit 40 experienced researchers. Taking a ‘bottom-up’ approach, the overall objective of fellowships will be to recognise the brightest ideas and bring brilliant minds together.
USAL4EXCELLENCE will provide fellows with training and networking opportunities that will enhance their career development and leadership potential.
- Each fellowship will last 30 months, assuring proper project implementation.
- Fellows will be hosted at USAL and they will have the opportunity and freedom to choose their destination for two secondments. Thus, fellows will have a mandatory period at USAL during the first 24 months (except for a voluntary secondment which should be started at least after 6 months at USAL), and a mandatory secondment during the last 6 months of the fellowship.
- Fellows will be assigned a suitable supervisor and MENTOR.
- USAL4EXCELLENCE will offer tailored support that will help fellows understand and adopt best practice in research. All fellows will be expected to attend relevant courses (on-line training, face-to-face training or events). Many of these courses will be delivered at a local level by departments, faculties and institutes, both as part of the USAL teaching programme and as standalone courses. All these courses will be available at this link.
Upon signing the contract, the fellows will automatically be registered under the general regime of the Spanish Social Security System, which stipulates the following benefits
- Full social health care coverage.
- State pension.
- Unemployment benefits.
- Maternity/paternity leave of 16 weeks for women and for men according to Spanish law. When applicable, paternity leave could be joined indistinctly by the mother or the father, after week 7 from date birth.
The employment contract with USAL also specifies a series of specific benefits that might differ from other public administration positions:
- Vacation: 22 working days per year.
- Health Checks: all USAL employees have the option of a medical check every year, paid by USAL
Each fellowship includes funds for travel, reasonable research expenses as well as competitive salary. The total cost of a fellowship is 4.855 €/month and the net salary of the ER will be around 3.500 €/month. The net salary results from deducting all compulsory (employer/employee) Social Security contributions as well as direct taxes (e.g., income tax) from the gross amounts. Additionally, the remunerations may vary annually depending on the Social Security rates. The rate indicated above is for researchers working full-time
Interested candidates should follow the application process as defined in project web page.

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