Visit and Collaboration of Ming-Chang Chen with the ALF Group at the University of Salamanca

We are delighted to announce that Ming-Chang Chen from the National Tsing Hua University in Hsinchu, Taiwan, visited the Laser Applications Group at the University of Salamanca (USAL) from July 8th to July 10th, 2024. During his visit, in addition to holding meetings with the group’s researchers and touring the laboratory, he delivered a lecture on July 10th titled “Advancements in Turn-Key Attosecond Light Sources and Their Application in Probing Spin Dynamics.”

The collaboration between Ming-Chang Chen and the ALF group has a long history, dating back to 2016. As a result of this collaboration, several research articles have been published, thereby strengthening the bond between both institutions and significantly advancing the field of laser technology.

  1. Chang, K.-Y., Huang, L.-C., Asaga, K., Tsai, M.-S., Rego, L., Huang, P.-C., Mashiko, H., Oguri, K., Hernández-García, C., & Chen, M.-C. (2021). High-order Nonlinear Dipole Response Characterized by Extreme-Ultraviolet Ellipsometry. Optica, 8, 484-492.
  2. Chang, K.-Y., Huang, L.-C., Asaga, K., Tsai, M.-S., Rego, L., Huang, P.-C., Mashiko, H., Oguri, K., Hernández-García, C., & Chen, M.-C. (2021). High-order Nonlinear Dipole Response Characterized by Extreme-Ultraviolet Ellipsometry. Optica, 8, 484-492.
  3. P. -C. Huang, C. Hernández-García, J. -T. Huang, P. -Y. Huang, L. Rego, C. -H. Lu, S. -D. Yang, L. Plaja, A. H. Kung, & M. -C. Chen. (2019). Realization of Polarization Control in High-Order Harmonic Generation. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 25(4), 1-12.

Prof. Chen established the ATTO-EUV lab in 2013 with the goal of generating bright and coherent EUV lasers on a tabletop. His recent research is dedicated to advancing laser technology and producing the shortest and brightest high-order harmonic EUV source. Notably, he pioneered and demonstrated the complete solution for controlling the polarization of isolated attosecond pulses and invented the broadband EUV polarimeter. By introducing the highly efficient post-compression technique, CASCADE, he enabled the production of single-cycle IR pulses and isolated attosecond EUV pulses. This accessible and reliable tabletop EUV light source has opened up numerous possibilities, including pioneering EUV spectroscopic ellipsometry and achieving the brightest EUV light source for nano-imaging.

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adminVisit and Collaboration of Ming-Chang Chen with the ALF Group at the University of Salamanca

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