

We are pleased to announce the defense of the doctoral thesis of Ana García Cabrera, titled “Efectos de las simetrías del cristal en la generación de armónicos altos en grafeno.” The defense will take place on Monday, July 29th, at 11:00 in Aula III of the Edificio Trilingüe. The thesis directors are Dr. Luis Plaja Rustein and Dr. Carlos Hernández García.

We cordially invite you to attend this important presentation, as your presence and support will be greatly appreciated.

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Visit and Collaboration of Ming-Chang Chen with the ALF Group at the University of Salamanca

We are delighted to announce that Ming-Chang Chen from the National Tsing Hua University in Hsinchu, Taiwan, visited the Laser Applications Group at the University of Salamanca (USAL) from July 8th to July 10th, 2024. During his visit, in addition to holding meetings with the group’s researchers and touring the laboratory, he delivered a lecture on July 10th titled “Advancements in Turn-Key Attosecond Light Sources and Their Application in Probing Spin Dynamics.”

The collaboration between Ming-Chang Chen and the ALF group has a long history, dating back to 2016. As a result of this collaboration, several research articles have been published, thereby strengthening the bond between both institutions and significantly advancing the field of laser technology.

  1. Chang, K.-Y., Huang, L.-C., Asaga, K., Tsai, M.-S., Rego, L., Huang, P.-C., Mashiko, H., Oguri, K., Hernández-García, C., & Chen, M.-C. (2021). High-order Nonlinear Dipole Response Characterized by Extreme-Ultraviolet Ellipsometry. Optica, 8, 484-492.
  2. Chang, K.-Y., Huang, L.-C., Asaga, K., Tsai, M.-S., Rego, L., Huang, P.-C., Mashiko, H., Oguri, K., Hernández-García, C., & Chen, M.-C. (2021). High-order Nonlinear Dipole Response Characterized by Extreme-Ultraviolet Ellipsometry. Optica, 8, 484-492.
  3. P. -C. Huang, C. Hernández-García, J. -T. Huang, P. -Y. Huang, L. Rego, C. -H. Lu, S. -D. Yang, L. Plaja, A. H. Kung, & M. -C. Chen. (2019). Realization of Polarization Control in High-Order Harmonic Generation. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 25(4), 1-12.

Prof. Chen established the ATTO-EUV lab in 2013 with the goal of generating bright and coherent EUV lasers on a tabletop. His recent research is dedicated to advancing laser technology and producing the shortest and brightest high-order harmonic EUV source. Notably, he pioneered and demonstrated the complete solution for controlling the polarization of isolated attosecond pulses and invented the broadband EUV polarimeter. By introducing the highly efficient post-compression technique, CASCADE, he enabled the production of single-cycle IR pulses and isolated attosecond EUV pulses. This accessible and reliable tabletop EUV light source has opened up numerous possibilities, including pioneering EUV spectroscopic ellipsometry and achieving the brightest EUV light source for nano-imaging.

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adminVisit and Collaboration of Ming-Chang Chen with the ALF Group at the University of Salamanca

Winners of the VI “Day of Light” photography contest published

On the occasion of the celebration on May 16 of the International Day of Light, the list of winners of the VI “Day of Light” Photographic Contest organized by the University Master in Physics and Laser Technology (USAL – UVA) in which the following entities and organizations also collaborate:

The complete ruling can be read on the website of the Master’s Degree in Laser Physics and Technology.

Below we include the 4 award-winning photographs.

1st Category: Light Technologies and Optical Phenomena.

    • First prize for the photograph entitled “Sacred Colors” taken by Ms. María Serrano Sánchez.

Description: This photograph shows how the light from the stained glass windows coming from a rose window hits the columns in vibrant colors. It is striking how the light plays with cold and warm tones on the architectural elements.

    • Second prize for the photograph entitled “Diffraction Vision” taken by Mr. Mario Guerras Rodríguez.

Description: We have a photograph with a small flashlight through a diffraction grating. Thanks to this element, we are able to diffract the light and separate the different wavelengths that make up the light of the flashlight, being able to observe the different colors of the spectrum.

2nd Category: The Laser.

    • First prize for the photograph entitled “Reflexiones” taken by Mr. Fernando González Reyes.

Description: Reflections of a laser with the inner walls of a glass beaker filled with oil. The glass is immersed in water, the laser is green and turns red as it passes through the oil.

    • Second prize for the photograph entitled “Liquid Light” taken by Mr. Fernando González Reyes.

Description: Image of the pattern formed when a laser beam hits a water jet.

Thank you very much to all the participants and congratulations to the winners.

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adminWinners of the VI “Day of Light” photography contest published

Announcement of defense of doctoral thesis – Alba de la Heras

On May 24th, Alba de las Heras Muñoz will present her doctoral thesis titled “Study of Multielectron Dynamics and Structured Laser Beams in Attosecond Physics” supervised by Dr. Carlos Hernández García and Dr. Luis Plaja Rustein.

The defense will take place at 11:00 AM in Room III of the Trilingual Building.

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adminAnnouncement of defense of doctoral thesis – Alba de la Heras

VI Photographic Contest “DAY OF LIGHT”

On the occasion of the proclamation of May 16 as the “International Day of Light and Light-Based Technologies” by the United Nations, the University Master’s Degree in Physics and Laser Technology announces the VI edition of the “Day of Light” Photographic Contest.

In the organization of the contest and the formation of the jury participate:

The contest is open to undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral students, faculty, and members of the university community of the University of Salamanca and the University of Valladolid, as well as graduates of the Master’s Degree in Physics and Laser Technology who are not part of the jury.

The participation period is open until May 31st. Each participant can submit up to two photographs for each of the established categories:

  1. Light Technologies and Optical Phenomena.
  2. The Laser.

Four prizes will be awarded:

  • First prize in the category of Light Technologies and Optical Phenomena: 200 euros.
  • Second prize in the category of Light Technologies and Optical Phenomena: 100 euros.
  • First prize in the category of The Laser: 200 euros.
  • Second prize in the category of The Laser: 100 euros.

In addition, those winners who are undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral students will receive a one-year free subscription to the Royal Spanish Society of Physics with online access to the Physics Journal. The awarded photographs will be published in the journal “Optica Pura y Aplicada” of the Spanish Society of Optics (SEDOPTICA).

The complete rules of the contest are available on the website of the Master’s Degree in Physics and Laser Technology (

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Researchers from the Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research visited ALF-USAL

Researchers Rang Li and Chi Pang, from the Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf), conducted an experimentation campaign last week at the USAL Laser Laboratory.

These researchers are working on the development of new advanced materials for photonics applications such as nanomembrane microcavities.

They utilize various experimental devices based on ultrashort pulse lasers developed by the researchers of the ALF group, Carolina Romero, Ignacio López, Íñigo Sola, and Javier Rodríguez.

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adminResearchers from the Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research visited ALF-USAL

Celebration of the inaugural meeting of the FASLIGHT network

Although in operation since June 2023, the FASLIGHT (RED2022-134391-T) network has officially begun its journey with the celebration of its inaugural meeting.

The meeting took place on January 18 and 19, 2024 at the School of Physics of the University of Salamanca, bringing together more than 65 researchers from the 15 nodes that make up the network.

During the event, representatives of each of the nodes presented their work, lines of research, resources and proposals for collaboration within the network. Almost 30 doctoral students from each of the nodes presented their work in poster format in sessions organized for this purpose.

The news of the holding of the network’s inaugural meeting was published in several local media, including the communication service of the University of Salamanca.

You can view the photos taken during the event on the FASLIGHT network website

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adminCelebration of the inaugural meeting of the FASLIGHT network

BBVA foundation recognizes the ICO prize of the International Commission of Optics awarded to Carlos Hernández García

The BBVA Foundation publishes on its website the news of the recognition received by Carlos Hernández – García and the granting of the ICO Prize by the International Optics Commission.

The ICO Prize is awarded annually to a person who has made a notable contribution to the area of optics research before the age of 40.

The award jury has highlighted the “transcendental” contributions of Hernández García to the theory and modeling of the generation of high-order harmonics using laser light, an essential tool for manipulating the most basic properties of light that has led to important advances in the field of nanotechnology.

You can consult the complete press release on the BBVA Foundation website

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adminBBVA foundation recognizes the ICO prize of the International Commission of Optics awarded to Carlos Hernández García

Marina Fernández Galán 2nd Prize of the XX ‘Arquímedes’ University Contest for Introduction to Scientific Research

On October 20 at the Ministry of Universities in Madrid, student Marina Fernández Galán was awarded the 2nd Prize of the XX ‘Arquímedes’ University Contest for Introduction to Scientific Research.

The prize was awarded by the Ministry of Universities and the CSIC, for his work entitled “Extreme self-compression of infrared laser pulses in hollow fibers with decreasing pressure gradients” developed from his final degree project under the direction of Enrique Conejero. and Julio San Román.

The complete information is available on the website of the Press Room service of the University of Salamanca and in various media outlets that have also echoed the news.

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adminMarina Fernández Galán 2nd Prize of the XX ‘Arquímedes’ University Contest for Introduction to Scientific Research

Creation of the Unit of Excellence LUMES

Last June, the Unit of Excellence in Structured Light and Matter (LUMES) was created.

The creation of the Unit of Excellence in Structured Light and Matter represents a step forward in the consolidation of the University of Salamanca as an international reference in the understanding and application of the interactions between light and matter on the ultrafast and nanometric scale. Through interdisciplinary collaboration and the training of young researchers, this unit will position itself as an international leader in the development of technologies applying structured laser light to the study of new materials. The scientific and technological advances obtained are expected to boost innovation in fields such as photonics, optoelectronics, nanotechnology and quantum optics, areas with a transversal impact on multiple disciplines of science.

The LUMES Unit of Excellence will address various cutting-edge topics in the fields of ultrafast and nonlinear optics and materials science, including the development of spatiotemporally structured ultrafast lasers in a wide spectral range (from THz to X-rays); the study of the electronic, optical and magnetic properties of 2D materials at the quantum level and their associated van der Waals heterostructures; the interaction of these materials with ultrafast structured light; the processing of materials using ultra-intense lasers; and the study of ultrafast dynamics in magnetic materials excited with structured laser pulses, among others.

The LUMES Unit of Excellence is made up of 8 guarantor researchers and a total of 32 doctoral researchers, affiliated with the Department of Applied Physics of the USAL, the Center for Pulsed Lasers, and the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the USAL. The unit will be directed by Carlos Hernández García.

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