OP Session – Efecto Zenón y dinámica Zenón cuánticas, aplicación a la teleportación de una partícula y su implementación óptica

Marcos García Barriopedro, from the Complex Systems group at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, will deliver the seminar titled “Quantum Zeno effect and Zeno dynamics: application to particle teleportation and its optical implementation” on December 5 at 12:00.

The seminar will take place in Room IV of the Trilingual Building at the University of Salamanca.

This talk is part of the visit of Marcos García-Barriopedro, Isabel Gonzalo, and Miguel Ángel Porras within the framework of the FASLIGHT network (Fundamental and Applications of Structured Light), a Spanish network dedicated to the study of structured light.

FASLIGHT (RED2022-134391-T) is supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the State Research Agency (MCIN/AEI / 10.13039/501100011033).

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adminOP Session – Efecto Zenón y dinámica Zenón cuánticas, aplicación a la teleportación de una partícula y su implementación óptica

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