Press room

XL Semanal highlights the career of Carlos Hernández García

The magazine XL Semanal highlights the work and outstanding research career of Carlos Hernández García, a member of our research ...

The President of the Junta of Castilla y León meets with researchers from the European Research Council program.

On Monday, March 18th, the President of the Junta of Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, held a meeting with ...

Celebration of the inaugural meeting of the FASLIGHT network

Although in operation since June 2023, the FASLIGHT (RED2022-134391-T) network has officially begun its journey with the celebration of its ...

Marina Fernández Galán 2nd Prize of the XX ‘Arquímedes’ University Contest for Introduction to Scientific Research

On October 20 at the Ministry of Universities in Madrid, student Marina Fernández Galán was awarded the 2nd Prize of ...

Margaret Murnane and Antonio Colinas new Doctors Honoris Causa from USAL

The Irish physicist Margaret Murnane and the Leonese poet Antonio Colinas were invested as honorary doctors from the University of ...
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