
OP Session – Theoretical advances in structured light with longitudinal and transverse orbital angular momentum

Miguel Ángel Porras from the Polytechnic University of Madrid will give the seminar titled “Theoretical advances in structured light with longitudinal and transverse orbital angular momentum” on November 29 at 1:00 p.m.

The seminar will take place in classroom IV of the Trilingual Building at the University of Salamanca.

Abstract: The control of ultrafast and strong field processes using structured light with orbital angular momentum (OAM) requires the most detailed knowledge of the physical properties of these light waves, and in particular, the amount of OAM carried by them and their propagation dynamics. While experiments of high harmonic and attosecond pulse generation with longitudinal OAM are made routinely in diverse experimental configurations, it is not yet completely clear the limits of the amount of OAM that the driving pulses can carry. Also, numerical studies of second and higher order harmonic generation using pulses with transverse OAM are being conducted, and experiments are planned, but at present there is a lack of knowledge about their propagation properties, and a hot debate on the amount of transverse OAM they carry, and hence transfer to the harmonics. In this talk recent theoretical developments aimed at clarifying these issues will be exposed.

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adminOP Session – Theoretical advances in structured light with longitudinal and transverse orbital angular momentum

OP Session – Tailoring Light’s Polarization for Chiral Discrimination

Laura Rego from the Chemistry Department of the Autonomous University of Madrid, will give the seminar titled “Tailoring Light’s Polarization for Chiral Discrimination” on November 24 at 1:00 p.m.

The seminar will take place in room VII of the Trilingual Building at the University of Salamanca

Abstract: Chiral molecules are very relevant in many chemical and biological processes. For that reason, distinguishing between the two versions of a chiral molecule (enantiomers) is vital, but it is also challenging. In this talk, we will see several schemes to study chirality using ultrashort laser pulses with structured polarization. Our methods take advantage of light’s tailored polarization to create enantiosensitive interferences in the non-linear optical emission from the chiral molecules. First, we will show how to turn an ultrashort elliptical pulse into an efficient chiro-optical tool: by tilting its polarization plane towards its propagation direction. Second, we will introduce a different approach for efficient chiral recognition which relies on the interference between two low-order nonlinear processes: sum-frequency generation and third-harmonic generation. Finally, we will see how we can imprint chirality in atoms. In these theoretical proposals, the molecular handedness can be retrieved by all-optical measurements and in ultrafast time scales.

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Researchers from the ALF USAL group attend the congress OPA 2023

Luis Plaja and Carlos Hernández García researchers from the Laser and Photonics Applications group (ALF – USAL) have attended and participated in the Optics & Photonics Africa OPA 2023 congress that took place from November 6 to 10 in White River – South Africa.

They presented the contributions titled:

  • Topological high-harmonic spectroscopy: observing matter response from the topology of the harmonic field.
  • Short Wavelength Structured Light for Attosecond Science

At this link you can consult the press release published by the International Commission for Optics with all the information about the congress.

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adminResearchers from the ALF USAL group attend the congress OPA 2023

Sergio Martín Domene winner of a TFM award for research in Quantum Communications

Sergio Martín Domene, researcher in the Laser and Photonics Applications group and member of the ERC Attostructura project, has been awarded third prize within the 1st Edition of the Awards for Excellence in Master’s Thesis for Research in Quantum Communications.

The objective of the contest is to recognize the Master’s Thesis presented by USAL students in the years 2022 and 2023 to promote both scientific and technical research and the transfer of knowledge.

The award-winning work is titled “Study of the dynamics of excited magnetization using structured laser pulses.”

One of the most active fields currently on the scientific scene is quantum computing, where the communications of the future are advancing. Although the theory necessary to understand quantum information and computing is quite advanced, technologically it is still a challenge to manufacture physical support devices. In this sense, there are different ways to build or materialize a physical system that is capable of storing a unit of quantum information, called a qubit (quantum bit). Some of these proposals are based on the recent fields of spintronics and magnonics, that is, the use of magnetic systems to enable the storage and manipulation of data. Understanding at a fundamental level how these systems behave is crucial to continue promoting research.

In this work, a theoretical study is carried out through numerical simulations, demonstrating that it is possible to carry out ultrafast control of the magnetization (macroscopic description of a set of spins, a quantum mechanical property) of a ferromagnetic material hundreds of nanometers in size. , thanks to the interaction of structured laser pulses of a few picoseconds in duration. The novel aspect lies in the fact that these generated pulses consist of an intense circularly polarized magnetic field isolated from the electric field, obtained from the strong focusing of two out-of-phase cylindrical vector beams propagating in perpendicular directions. On the one hand, this scheme allows avoiding losses due to the Joule effect in the magnetic sample due to the currents that would be induced by the interaction with the electric field. On the other hand, the interaction of the magnetization field of the sample with the magnetic field of the optical field is much more direct, resulting in a chiral and nonlinear effect on the dynamics when the polarization state is circular.

This award is part of the Complementary Plan in Quantum Communications, within the NextGeneration program of the European Union (PRTRC17.I1) which is financed by the European Union, the Ministry of Science and Innovation, the Transformation and Resilience Recovery Plan and the Junta of Castilla y León through its Nos Impulsa program.

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adminSergio Martín Domene winner of a TFM award for research in Quantum Communications

Carlos Hernández García awarded the International Commission of Optics (ICO) 2023 award

Carlos Hernández García, member of the ALF – USAL group and principal investigator of the Attostructura project, has been awarded in the latest edition of the International Commission of Optics (ICO) 2023 Award in recognition of (textual quote)

“for seminal contributions in the theory and modeling of laser- driven high harmonic generation and understanding how to manipulate their waveforms to impart orbital and spin photon angular momentum”

You can access the complete information at and consult the press release that has been published by the International Commission for Optics. 

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adminCarlos Hernández García awarded the International Commission of Optics (ICO) 2023 award

Marina Fernández Galán 2nd Prize of the XX ‘Arquímedes’ University Contest for Introduction to Scientific Research

On October 20 at the Ministry of Universities in Madrid, student Marina Fernández Galán was awarded the 2nd Prize of the XX ‘Arquímedes’ University Contest for Introduction to Scientific Research.

The prize was awarded by the Ministry of Universities and the CSIC, for his work entitled “Extreme self-compression of infrared laser pulses in hollow fibers with decreasing pressure gradients” developed from his final degree project under the direction of Enrique Conejero. and Julio San Román.

The complete information is available on the website of the Press Room service of the University of Salamanca and in various media outlets that have also echoed the news.

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adminMarina Fernández Galán 2nd Prize of the XX ‘Arquímedes’ University Contest for Introduction to Scientific Research

Creation of the Unit of Excellence LUMES

Last June, the Unit of Excellence in Structured Light and Matter (LUMES) was created.

The creation of the Unit of Excellence in Structured Light and Matter represents a step forward in the consolidation of the University of Salamanca as an international reference in the understanding and application of the interactions between light and matter on the ultrafast and nanometric scale. Through interdisciplinary collaboration and the training of young researchers, this unit will position itself as an international leader in the development of technologies applying structured laser light to the study of new materials. The scientific and technological advances obtained are expected to boost innovation in fields such as photonics, optoelectronics, nanotechnology and quantum optics, areas with a transversal impact on multiple disciplines of science.

The LUMES Unit of Excellence will address various cutting-edge topics in the fields of ultrafast and nonlinear optics and materials science, including the development of spatiotemporally structured ultrafast lasers in a wide spectral range (from THz to X-rays); the study of the electronic, optical and magnetic properties of 2D materials at the quantum level and their associated van der Waals heterostructures; the interaction of these materials with ultrafast structured light; the processing of materials using ultra-intense lasers; and the study of ultrafast dynamics in magnetic materials excited with structured laser pulses, among others.

The LUMES Unit of Excellence is made up of 8 guarantor researchers and a total of 32 doctoral researchers, affiliated with the Department of Applied Physics of the USAL, the Center for Pulsed Lasers, and the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the USAL. The unit will be directed by Carlos Hernández García.

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New research project: SpecX

The new research project, SpecX (Schemes for the generation of attosecond x-ray special beams using high-order harmonic generation from macroscopic targets), has started, with Julio San Román and Carlos Hernández Garcia as the principal investigators. In the SpecX project, they aim to advance in the macroscopic management of ultrarapid light beams, from the femtosecond/infrared to the attosecond/X-ray regime, with special emphasis on the study of complex topological fields. To do this, advanced simulation codes are required, given that the mechanisms for generating such short laser pulses, through nonlinear laser post-compression or high-order harmonics generation, combine microscopic and macroscopic physics, which poses a great challenge.

To achieve this goal, the following objectives have been defined:

  • Exploit high-performance computational strategies that use artificial intelligence to access these new extreme non-linear optical scenarios.
  • Design ultrarapid pulses structured in the femtosecond/infrared regime through different non-linear propagation schemes, such as the use of hollow core fibers and photonic crystals, and multipass cells.
  • Explore new schemes for the process of high-order harmonics generation in the X-ray and attosecond regime, such as crystalline solids irradiated by fields.
  • Explore the generation of high-order harmonics with post-compressed laser pulses in combined regimes.
  • Propose new experimental proposals for the generation of structured X-ray fields in the attosecond regime.

The SpecX project falls under the Call Programa Estatal para Impulsar la Investigación Científico-Técnica y su Transferencia, del Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica, Técnica y de Innovación 2021-2023. It has a duration of three years and has received funding of €127,500 from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Agencia Estatal de Investigación, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

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