
2×1 in ultrashort laser pulses

In the last decades, ultrashort laser pulses have revolutionized our way of studying the microscopic world through the interaction of coherent light with matter. The generation and manipulation of these ephemeral electromagnetic fields allows us to access the fastest atomic phenomena in nature, occurring on the femto to attosecond (10-15-10-18 s) time scale. The rapid advancement of laser technology has made it possible, in recent years, to synthesize infrared pulses with sub-cycle durations, in which the most intense structure of the electric field of light barely has time to complete an oscillation at its central frequency. These pulses provide a unique tool for exploring electron motion in atoms and molecules, but their generation is still limited to extremely expensive and complex setups.

Recently, we demonstrated that these sub-cycle pulses can be obtained much more simply in standard systems based on the propagation of light through gas-filled hollow capillary fibers with a decreasing pressure gradient. This proposal is based on a surprising phenomenon of nonlinear optics, known as soliton self-compression, where an intense laser pulse can, by itself, simultaneously broaden and organize its frequency spectrum, reducing its duration almost to the limit. By following some scaling rules to design the fiber and input pulse parameters, this technique allows for the generation of high quality sub-cycle infrared pulses.

Not content with reaching durations of just one femtosecond, in our latest work, conducted in collaboration with researchers from Politecnico di Milano and Heriot-Watt University, we have explored the application of these sub-cycle fields to generate even shorter laser pulses in the attosecond regime. To do so, we have exploited the phenomenon of high-order harmonic generation, which arises from the interaction of an intense infrared pulse with the atoms of a gas. When the interaction is performed with a conventional laser, this process works as a production chain of attosecond pulses in the extreme ultraviolet, giving rise to a series of light flashes that occur at regular time intervals. However, if the interaction is driven by one of our previous sub-cycle pulses, the harmonic generation process is naturally confined to a single event, resulting in the direct emission of an isolated attosecond pulse. These solitary ultraviolet pulses are a highly sought-after tool in ultrafast science applications where very precise control and high temporal resolution are needed.

Thus, our study opens the door to a new generation of compact fiber-based systems in which, starting from a standard infrared laser pulse, we combine for the first time its extreme self-compression down to the sub-cycle regime and its direct application to generate extreme-ultraviolet isolated attosecond pulses.

More information in:

  1. F. Galán, J. Serrano, E. C. Jarque, R. Borrego-Varillas, M. Lucchini, M. Reduzzi, M. Nisoli, C. Brahms, J. C. Travers, C. Hernández-García, and J. San Roman, “Robust isolated attosecond pulse generation with self-compressed sub-cycle drivers from hollow capillary fibers,” ACS Photonics 11(4), 1673-1683 (2024).

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admin2×1 in ultrashort laser pulses

VI Photographic Contest “DAY OF LIGHT”

On the occasion of the proclamation of May 16 as the “International Day of Light and Light-Based Technologies” by the United Nations, the University Master’s Degree in Physics and Laser Technology announces the VI edition of the “Day of Light” Photographic Contest.

In the organization of the contest and the formation of the jury participate:

The contest is open to undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral students, faculty, and members of the university community of the University of Salamanca and the University of Valladolid, as well as graduates of the Master’s Degree in Physics and Laser Technology who are not part of the jury.

The participation period is open until May 31st. Each participant can submit up to two photographs for each of the established categories:

  1. Light Technologies and Optical Phenomena.
  2. The Laser.

Four prizes will be awarded:

  • First prize in the category of Light Technologies and Optical Phenomena: 200 euros.
  • Second prize in the category of Light Technologies and Optical Phenomena: 100 euros.
  • First prize in the category of The Laser: 200 euros.
  • Second prize in the category of The Laser: 100 euros.

In addition, those winners who are undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral students will receive a one-year free subscription to the Royal Spanish Society of Physics with online access to the Physics Journal. The awarded photographs will be published in the journal “Optica Pura y Aplicada” of the Spanish Society of Optics (SEDOPTICA).

The complete rules of the contest are available on the website of the Master’s Degree in Physics and Laser Technology (

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Researchers from the Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research visited ALF-USAL

Researchers Rang Li and Chi Pang, from the Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf), conducted an experimentation campaign last week at the USAL Laser Laboratory.

These researchers are working on the development of new advanced materials for photonics applications such as nanomembrane microcavities.

They utilize various experimental devices based on ultrashort pulse lasers developed by the researchers of the ALF group, Carolina Romero, Ignacio López, Íñigo Sola, and Javier Rodríguez.

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adminResearchers from the Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research visited ALF-USAL

The President of the Junta of Castilla y León meets with researchers from the European Research Council program.

On Monday, March 18th, the President of the Junta of Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, held a meeting with seven out of the nine researchers from the region selected in the European Research Council (ERC) program, among whom is Carlos Hernández García, a member of the ALF Group – USAL and principal investigator of the Attostructura project.

The news has been widely disseminated by several media outlets, which have issued press releases regarding the matter.

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adminThe President of the Junta of Castilla y León meets with researchers from the European Research Council program.

Researchers from the ALF group at USAL participated in the HILAS congress

Researchers from the ALF group at USAL, including Carlos Hernández García, Marina Fernández Galán, and Rodrigo Hernández Martín, participated in the High-Intensity Lasers and High-Field Phenomena (HILAS) congress, which took place from March 12th to March 14th in Vienna.

HILAS serves as a prominent platform for scientists and researchers to explore cutting-edge advancements and discoveries in the field of high-intensity lasers and high-field phenomena. The congress provides a forum for discussions, presentations, and collaborations among experts in various disciplines, including physics, optics, engineering, and materials science. Through keynote speeches, panel sessions, and workshops, HILAS facilitates the exchange of knowledge and fosters innovation in this rapidly evolving field.

The following works have been presented:

  • Simulating Macroscopic High-order Harmonic Generation Driven by Structured Laser Beams Using Artificial Intelligence, Carlos Hernandez-Garcia; Universidad de Salamanca, Spain.
    • Employing artificial intelligence, we integrate microscopic quantum computations based on the time dependent Schrödinger equation with macroscopic physics, to unveil hidden signatures in the ultrafast electronic dynamics of high-order harmonic generation by structured laser beams.
  • Compact Generation of Isolated Attosecond Pulses Driven by Self-compressed Subcycle Waveforms, Marina F. Galán1, Javier Serrano1, Enrique Conejero Jarque1, Rocío Borrego-Varillas2, Matteo Lucchini3, Maurizio Reduzzi3 , Mauro Nisoli3 , Christian Brahms4, John C. Travers4, Carlos Hernandez-Garcia1, Julio San Roman1; 1 Universidad de Salamanca, Spain; 2 IFN-CNR, Italy; 3 Politecnico di Milano, Italy; 4 Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom.

We theoretically demonstrate a compact and robust scheme for the direct generation of extreme ultraviolet isolated attosecond pulses from high-order harmonics driven by self-compressed subcycle waveforms produced in a gas-filled hollow capillary fiber.

  • Generation of high-order harmonic spatiotemporal optical vortices, Rodrigo Martín Hernández1,2, Guan Gui3, Luis Plaja1,2, Henry K. Kapteyn3, Margaret M. Murnane3, Miguel A. Porras4, Chen-Ting Liao3,5, Carlos Hernandez-Garcia1,2; 1 Grupo de Investigación en Aplicaciones del Láser y Fotónica. Departamento de Física Aplicada, Universidad de Salamanca, Spain; 2 Unidad de Excelencia en Luz y Materia Estructuradas (LUMES), Universidad de Salamanca, Spain; 3 JILA and Department of Physics, University of Colorado and NIST, USA; 4 Grupo de Sistemas Complejos, ETSIME, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain; 5 Department of Physics, Indiana University, USA.

We theoretically and experimentally demonstrate the generation of high-topological charge, extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) spatiotemporal optical vortices (STOV) from high-order harmonic generation. EUV-STOVs are unique structured light tools for exploring ultrafast topological laser-matter interactions.

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adminResearchers from the ALF group at USAL participated in the HILAS congress

CSI Zamora-Salamanca: reconstructing vector pulses with amplitude swing

Temporally characterizing ultrashort laser pulses (on the femtosecond scale, i.e., 10-15 seconds) is akin to reconstructing a crime scene: the light pulses are so fast that we can’t catch them in the act, we can only reconstruct them from the clues they leave behind.

Typically, we work with linearly polarized scalar pulses, in which the polarization state remains constant over time (polarization refers to the trajectory described by the light in the transverse plane). To identify these pulses, we need to know their amplitude or intensity and their phase. There is another type of pulses in which polarization varies over time, known as vector pulses. These are more complex than scalar pulses, and we need to know the amplitude and phase of their two components, as well as the relative phase between them. If identifying a scalar pulse is equivalent to identifying a criminal, knowing a vector pulse would be like knowing a gang composed of two criminals, and moreover, the relationship between them.

One type of characterization techniques is based on measuring the spectrum of a nonlinear signal while the pulse undergoes some modification. In the amplitude swing technique (a-swing), developed by researchers from the ALF group, two replicas of the pulse to be measured are generated, temporally delayed from each other, and the second harmonic spectrum (frequency doubling) is measured for different relative amplitudes of these replicas. Thus, a two-dimensional trace is obtained (a map where color represents intensity), which is like a fingerprint of the pulse. In some techniques, ambiguities arise, i.e., two different pulses generate the same trace, as if two people had the same fingerprint. Through algorithms, the information of the pulse generating the trace (our clue) can be extracted.

Most techniques only allow the characterization of scalar pulses. If we want to reconstruct a vector pulse with one of these techniques, we need several traces, i.e., several fingerprints. In contrast, a single a-swing trace contains the necessary information to identify a vector pulse. Furthermore, these traces are obtained with an inline, compact, and versatile setup.

In this work, we analyze the a-swing traces analytically and numerically to study how the information of vector pulses is encoded, and we develop a strategy to extract it. This strategy is applied to simulated and experimental traces, demonstrating that a vector pulse can be reconstructed from its a-swing trace. If they don’t want to be caught, they’ll have to avoid leaving these kind of fingerprints…

More information at:
Cristian Barbero, Benjamín Alonso, and Íñigo J. Sola, “Characterization of ultrashort vector pulses from a single amplitude swing measurement,” Opt. Express 32, 10862-10873 (2024)

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adminCSI Zamora-Salamanca: reconstructing vector pulses with amplitude swing


The shortest flashes of light we can control only last a tiny fraction of a second – mere trillionths, or attoseconds. Within this tiny timeframe, we can witness how atoms and molecules behave. Attophysics, a new area of study, has emerged from this. But how did we get here? This article tells the story of our collective effort to create shorter and shorter bursts of light, a journey that won the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics. It’s a tale of milestones, shifts in thinking, and inspiration, giving us a new perspective on scientific progress.

More information at:
L. Plaja, “Attociencia”, Revista Española de Física 37-4, 49 (2023) 

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Celebration of the inaugural meeting of the FASLIGHT network

Although in operation since June 2023, the FASLIGHT (RED2022-134391-T) network has officially begun its journey with the celebration of its inaugural meeting.

The meeting took place on January 18 and 19, 2024 at the School of Physics of the University of Salamanca, bringing together more than 65 researchers from the 15 nodes that make up the network.

During the event, representatives of each of the nodes presented their work, lines of research, resources and proposals for collaboration within the network. Almost 30 doctoral students from each of the nodes presented their work in poster format in sessions organized for this purpose.

The news of the holding of the network’s inaugural meeting was published in several local media, including the communication service of the University of Salamanca.

You can view the photos taken during the event on the FASLIGHT network website

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adminCelebration of the inaugural meeting of the FASLIGHT network

OP Session – Polarization controlled orbital angular momentum operations in nonlinear wave mixing

Antonio Zelaquett Koury from the Fluminense Federal University in Brazil, will give the seminar entitled “Polarization controlled orbital angular momentum operations in nonlinear wave mixing” on January 17 at 12:30.0.

The seminar will take place in room VII of Edificio Trilingüe at Universidad de Salamanca. 

Abstract: We investigate nonlinear wave mixing processes induced by transversely structured light beams. The interplay between different photonic degrees of freedom determines the structure of the fields generated by the nonlinear processes. In birefringent media, the nonlinear interaction can be directly affected by the polarization of the interacting beams. For example, in Type-II second harmonic generation, this interplay allows for polarization-controlled switching between different orbital angular momentum (OAM) operations. It can also be used for spin-to-orbital angular momentum transfer. Moreover, either in birefringent or isotropic media, a less intuitive interplay occurs between radial and angular degrees of freedom of paraxial modes undergoing nonlinear propagation. This radial-angular coupling leads to interesting chiral relationships that will be discussed.

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adminOP Session – Polarization controlled orbital angular momentum operations in nonlinear wave mixing