
Generation of cracks in materials with ultrashort pulses: standard for fracture resistance testing

This work addresses the crack growth resistance of 3 mol% Yttria-doped Tetragonal Zirconia Polycrystalline (3YTZP) spark-plasma sintered (SPS) composites containing two types of graphene-based nanomaterials (GBN): exfoliated graphene nanoplatelets (e-GNP) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO). The crack growth resistance of the composites is assessed by means of their R-Curve behavior determined by three-point bending tests on single edge “V” _notched beams (SEVNB), in two different orientations of the samples: with the crack path perpendicular or parallel to the pressure axis during the SPS sintering. The sharp edge notches were machined by ultrashort laser pulsed ablation (UPLA). The compliance and optical-based methods for evaluating the crack length are compared on the basis of the experimental R-Curve results in composites with 2.5 vol% rGO tested in the perpendicular orientation. Moreover, the activation of reinforcement mechanisms is evaluated by both the fracture surface inspection by Scanning Electron Microscopy and a compliance analysis. It is shown that the indirect compliance method is relevant and reliable for calculating the R-Curve of 3YTZP/GBN composites. The effect of the type and content of GBN on the crack growth resistance of the composites is also discussed.

More information at:

López-Pernía, C., Muñoz-Ferreiro, C., Prada-Rodrigo, J., Moreno, P., Reveron, H., Chevalier, J., Morales-Rodríguez, A., Poyato, R., & Gallardo-López, Á. (2023). R-curve evaluation of 3YTZP/graphene composites by indirect compliance method. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 43(8), 3486-3497.
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adminGeneration of cracks in materials with ultrashort pulses: standard for fracture resistance testing

Controlling light with intelligence

Thanks to a process called “high-order harmonic generation” significant progress has been made in generating ultrashort X-ray pulses over the past few years, with a duration of a few attoseconds (equivalent to dividing a second into 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 parts). This extremely short duration is comparable to the time it takes for electrons to transfer between atoms, making these pulses exceptional tools for exploring high-speed physical phenomena.

The required experimental setup and desired characteristics of the light pulses vary depending on their application. While it is possible to simulate this process to understand and predict its behavior under different circumstances, performing these calculations requires an extremely long time, even on the world’s most powerful supercomputers. Therefore, it is common to resort to approximations that provide acceptable but improvable results.

However, this can be addressed with intelligence, specifically with Artificial Intelligence (AI). A recent study conducted by the Research Group in Laser Applications and Photonics (ALF) has shown that it is possible to use artificial neural networks to accelerate these simulations and obtain nearly immediate results with a level of accuracy that had not been achieved until now.

More information at:  

José Miguel Pablos-Marín, Javier Serrano, Carlos Hernández-García, “Simulating macroscopic high-order harmonic generation driven by structured laser beams using artificial intelligence”, Computer Physics Communications, In Press – Journal Pre-proof (2023).

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adminControlling light with intelligence

María Sánchez, student of the master’s degree in Physics and Technology of Lasers, obtains one of the 20 prestigious international scholarships ‘Optica Woman Scholar’

On October 20 at the Ministry of Universities in Madrid, student Marina Fernández Galán was awarded the 2nd Prize of the XX ‘Arquímedes’ University Contest for Introduction to Scientific Research.

The award was awarded by the Ministry of Universities and the CSIC, for his work entitled “Extreme self-compression of infrared laser pulses in hollow fibers with decreasing pressure gradients” developed from his final degree work under the direction of Enrique Conejero. and Julio San Román.

The complete information is available on the website of the Press Room service of the University of Salamanca and in various media outlets that have also echoed the news.

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adminMaría Sánchez, student of the master’s degree in Physics and Technology of Lasers, obtains one of the 20 prestigious international scholarships ‘Optica Woman Scholar’

Fantastic Spectra and where to find them

The generation of ultra-short light pulses with a good spatial structure is the philosopher’s stone of ultrafast pulse physics. These pulses make it possible to study and modify the properties of matter at time scales unreachable by other procedures.

In recent decades, great strides have been made in the generation of high-quality ultrashort pulses among which post-compression techniques stands out. Post-compression techniques consist of widening the spectrum of a pulse during its propagation thanks to nonlinear effects and then correcting its phase to achieve the shortest possible temporal pulse. The most widely used post-compression technique today is based on the nonlinear propagation of a pulse through a hollow core fiber filled with gas. However, in the last decade, with the rise of new lasers, such as the Yb laser, other post-compression methods that do not have to deal with the restrictions presented by hollow core fibers have gained relevance. One of these new post-compression techniques is the nonlinear propagation in multipass cells.

These multipass cells are cavities formed by two spherical mirrors in which the laser beam is introduced in the cavity off-axis, in such a way that the beam is reflected multiple times forming a hyperboloid before leaving the cell. One of the advantages of these cavities is that we can introduce in them a nonlinear medium through which the beam propagates in nonlinearly during the successive round trips.

Building upon this research, we have theoretically explored a post-compression region in multipass cells that allows the generation of wide spectra with smooth profiles that prevent the pulse from presenting too much structure (pre-pulses or post-pulses) once compressed. In order to accomplish this, we have relied on a particular regime explored already in the 80s known as the enhanced frequency chirp regime, and we have adapted it to multipass cells. In this regime, nonlinear effects and dispersion go hand in hand to widen the spectrum while maintaining a smooth structure that supports a very clean temporal profile. We have optimized the parameters of this region for the case of a multipass cavity filled with argon obtaining pulses whose Fourier limit is compressed more than 10 times with respect to the duration of the initial pulse, but above all maintaining an extremely clean structure, which makes it very useful for a variety of applications.

More information at:

Staels, V. W. Segundo, E. Conejero Jarque, D. Carlson, M. Hemmer, H. C. Kapteyn, M. M. Murnane, y J. San Roman. 2023. «Numerical investigation of gas-filled multipass cells in the enhanced dispersion regime for clean spectral broadening and pulse compression». Opt. Express 31(12):18898-906. doi: 10.1364/OE.481054.
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adminFantastic Spectra and where to find them

Margaret Murnane and Antonio Colinas new Doctors Honoris Causa from USAL

The Irish physicist Margaret Murnane and the Leonese poet Antonio Colinas were invested as honorary doctors from the University of Salamanca on June 19.

The investiture ceremony was presided over by the rector, Ricardo Rivero, and held in the Auditorium of the Escuelas Mayores.

The ceremony held in Latin, in which professors Carlos Hernández García (principal investigator of Attostructura) and María Ángeles Pérez López, from the Department of Applied Physics and the Department of Spanish and Latin American Literature, respectively, acted as godfather and godmother of the new honorary doctors, had the assistance from numerous academic and institutional authorities.

The proposal of the Department of Applied Physics to appoint the scientist Margaret Mary Murnane as doctor honoris causa was defended by Professor Carlos Hernández García. Professor Murnane’s work focuses on the science of X-rays and ultra-fast lasers. Her multiple discoveries have transformed the field, making it possible to capture and manipulate quantum dynamics on the faster time scales relevant to atoms, molecules, and materials.

Her research is distinguished by its innovation, impact and transversality, integrating laser technology as a transforming element in various fields such as optics, magnetism, chemistry, materials engineering or biology. Her ideas have been widely adopted in the worlds of science and industry. In fact, laser light sources based on her work can be found in most universities and research institutions around the world.

During her acceptance speech, Professor Murnane highlighted the scientific collaboration that she has maintained for a decade with the Research Group on Laser Applications and Photonics in Applied Physics and Technology, which she recognized as one of the few research groups in the world with knowledge both optical science and quantum mechanics and atomic physics.

With her appointment as an honorary doctorate, Professor Margaret Murnane has become the eleventh woman to receive that honor at the University of Salamanca. The exhibition “Women honorary doctors at the University of Salamanca”, coordinated by professors Esther del Brío, professor of Financial Economics, and Inmaculada Sánchez Barrios, director of the Equality Unit, already has a panel commemorating the incorporation of Professor Murnane into the faculty of doctors.

Numerous media outlets have echoed her appointment and her inauguration ceremony.

In addition, the entire ceremony can be seen and heard on the USAL YouTube channel and on the USAL Radio service. It is also possible to download the thank you and laudatio speeches at this link.

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adminMargaret Murnane and Antonio Colinas new Doctors Honoris Causa from USAL

Physics students from the University of Zaragoza visit the ALF – USAL group and the CLPU (2023)

As in previous years, the students of the Laser and Applications subject of the Physics degree at the University of Zaragoza together with their professor Sebastián Jarabo have visited our group to see first-hand the research being carried out and the operation of the equipment that is part of our laboratories.

This year, in addition to our facilities, they have also visited the  Pulsed Laser Center- CLPU.

You can see the photographs of the view in this gallery.

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adminPhysics students from the University of Zaragoza visit the ALF – USAL group and the CLPU (2023)


Recently, researchers belonging to ALF, have been working in the development of a miniaturized spectrometer in collaboration with the European Space Agency, the Department of Physics and Swiss Nanoscience Institute (University of Basel), the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences (ETH Zurich), the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa) and the Optics and Photonics Technology Laboratory (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, EPFL). The device belongs to the family of ultracompact Fourier Transform spectrometers, and it consist of a LiNbO3 chip in which a monomodal waveguide was fabricated with an optimized design to produce a light flux in the vertical direction. In the upper part of the chip a nano-detector (gold nanowire) was placed perpendicularly to the waveguide, together with a quantum dot HgTe nanolayer. The gold nanowire acts as scattering element, sensing the light confined in the waveguide. The nanolayer creates a photocurrent that can be measured. An external mirror placed at the output of the waveguide enables the creation of a standing wave that is monitorized by the nano-detector. The controlled motion of the mirror produces a spatial swept of the standing wave, thus obtaining the measurement of the confined intensity, from which the spectrum is extracted by Fourier transform.

Scheme of the device

After fabrication, it has been demonstrated the efficient operation with resolution better than 50 cm-1 in the near infrared. The active part of the device has a tiny volume as small as 100 μm×100 μm×100 μm, and it could be integrated in the new generation of ultrasmall satellites.

More information at:  

M. Grotevent et al., “Integrated photodetectors for compact Fourier-transform waveguide spectrometers” Nature Photonics 17, 59 (2023).

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Seminar: Attosecond Quantum Technologies for Advanced Materials Metrologies (Henry Kapteyn)

Next June 19 at 09:00 in classroom III of the Trilingual building, Henry Kapteyn from JILA from University of Colorado Boulder will give the seminar: Attosecond Quantum Technologies for Advanced Materials Metrologies

Next-generation nano and quantum devices have increasingly complex 3D structure. As their dimensions shrink, their performance is often governed by interface quality or precise chemical, interfacial or dopant composition. However, correlating their structural and functional properties is challenging.

High harmonic quantum light sources provide an exquisite source of short wavelength light, with unprecedented control over the spectral, temporal, polarization and orbital angular momentum (OAM) of the emitted waveforms, from the UV to the keV photon energy region. These advances are providing powerful new tools for near-perfect x-ray functional imaging, and for engineering the illumination to achieve high-fidelity imaging – akin to the vortex beams used in visible super-resolution imaging.

Seminar’s poster can be downloaded here.

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adminSeminar: Attosecond Quantum Technologies for Advanced Materials Metrologies (Henry Kapteyn)

OP Session – Detection of new chiral phenomena in nanomaterials

José Caridad from the Department of Applied Physics of the University of Salamanca and principal investigator of the CHIROTRONICS project (ERC Starting Grant 101039754), will give the seminar entitled “Detection of new chiral phenomena in nanomaterials” on June 9 at 09:00.

The seminar will take place in room VII of the Trilingual Building at the University of Salamanca.

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adminOP Session – Detection of new chiral phenomena in nanomaterials